[Translate to Chinese:] CSP®- 领先的薄板技术

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如今,CSP ®(紧凑型带钢生产)已成为世界领先的薄板坯技术。它由 SMS 集团于 1989 年首创,改变了世界扁钢生产的格局 - 并将继续如此。SMS 推出CSP®Nexus 设备后,向高效的绿色钢材一体化铸造和轧制迈出了一大步。

[Translate to Chinese:] 植物类型

  • [Translate to Chinese:] CSP®Nexus

    [Translate to Chinese:] 绿色钢铁的铸造和轧制之路

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    CSP® Nexus概念是薄板坯铸造和轧制在生产率、灵活性和产品范围方面的新基准。CSP®Nexus 是一种模块化概念,具有最大的灵活性,可提供量身定做的解决方案,例如,可通过第二道浇铸线、板坯横向送料、感应加热或高速剪切机进行扩展,以实现无间断运行。因此,与其他铸造和轧制联合设备相比,CSP® Nexus 在钢种和带钢尺寸方面增加并改善了产品结构。第一套CSP®Nexus 目前正在美国钢铁动力公司(Steel Dynamics Inc.

  • [Translate to Chinese:] CSP®- 紧凑型带材生产

    [Translate to Chinese:] 世界上最成功的薄板坯铸造和轧制技术

    [Translate to Chinese:] 主要数据

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    CSP®设计紧凑,可在一条生产线上生产高质量的热轧带钢,该生产线集铸造、加热和轧制于一体。我们久经考验的CSP®连铸机采用已获专利的漏斗形模具,浇铸厚度为 50 至 90 毫米的薄板坯。然后,板坯进入CSP®炉进行温度均衡。从单股CSP®设备开始,每年可以经济高效地生产约 150 万吨热轧带钢。之后,再增加第二条铸造线,年产量就能翻番。

    [Translate to Chinese:] CSP 概念





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CSP® technology

  • [Translate to Chinese:] CSP®- 紧凑型带材生产

    [Translate to Chinese:] 世界上最成功的薄板坯铸造和轧制技术

    [Translate to Chinese:] 主要数据

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    CSP®设计紧凑,可在一条生产线上生产高质量的热轧带钢,该生产线集铸造、加热和轧制于一体。我们久经考验的CSP®连铸机采用已获专利的漏斗形模具,浇铸厚度为 50 至 90 毫米的薄板坯。然后,板坯进入CSP®炉进行温度均衡。从单股CSP®设备开始,每年可以经济高效地生产约 150 万吨热轧带钢。之后,再增加第二条铸造线,年产量就能翻番。

    [Translate to Chinese:] CSP 概念
  • Low costs, high efficiency

    Want to cut costs as well as harmful emissions? Then you'll love CSP® technology for its low investment costs, low overheads, and high energy efficiency. It's obvious CSP® saves you some real money because you no longer need a roughing mill. Fewer process steps also mean higher process stability. Plus: you reap the eco benefits in the form of 40% less energy consumption compared to a plant with a thick slab caster and conventional hot strip mill

  • Excellent product quality

    This excellent product quality results from perfect temperature homogeneity of the thin slab. It remains constant over the entire length, width, and thickness when it leaves the CSP® furnace before rolling. That guarantees more uniform mechanical properties across the whole width and length of the strip. You also achieve even conditions to ensure an extremely stable, smooth rolling process. This keeps the strip geometry within close tolerances.

  • Large product spectrum

    Our CSP® plants have proven they can produce an extremely wide spectrum of steel grades. Included here are almost all high-quality grades in demand today. Its homogenous production conditions make CSP® ideal for high-quality grades and materials that require exact temperature control. That means you can produce hot strips made from micro-alloyed or multi-phase steels - much more easily, to closer tolerances, and with excellent metallurgical properties.

  • Efficient thin strip production

    CSP® technology offers optimal pre-conditions for the stable production of large amounts of thin-gauge products at low cost. Thin (< 1.5 mm) and ultra-thin (< 1.0 mm) hot strip can be used to substitute cold strip. Thus significant cost advantages can be attained. Some CSP® plants have a share of 60% and more of thin hot strip in gauges between 1.5 mm and 0.8 mm.

[Translate to Chinese:] 技术

  • [Translate to Chinese:] CSP®脚轮

    [Translate to Chinese:] 两种脚轮概念满足所有需求

    [Translate to Chinese:] 主要数据

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    • 现代 3D 工程技术可改善培训和简化维护
    • 实时模拟,可在内部试验场进行有效培训和顺利调试
    • 陡峭的提升曲线和最短的热调试时间
    • 超长的浇铸顺序和 LCR plus 无级厚度变化支持最高的可用性
    • 与知名钢材生产商的长期合作确保将操作人员的经验融入设备设计中
    • 从一开始就是薄板坯铸造的市场领导者,拥有 29 家工厂和 51 条钢绞线,占据约三分之二的市场份额
    • 拥有近 1000 台连铸机和 2600 多条扁锭和长锭产品生产线的丰富经验
  • [Translate to Chinese:] CSP®

    [Translate to Chinese:] 高效加热和板坯运输

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    作为CSP®设备的组成部分,辊底炉是连接连铸机和轧机的物流和技术纽带。辊底炉的第一区温度高达 1,100 °C,用于设定轧制过程所需的薄板坯温度。它采用环保型超低氮氧化物燃烧器。为了节约能源,换热器可回收熔炉中的余热。余热可预热助燃空气。


    特殊的水冷辊将薄板坯送入窑炉。它们可防止热量散失,进一步提高窑炉的能效。客户要求成品表面质量优异。这正是我们新开发的计算模块的作用所在。它可以降低辊子支撑环和板坯之间的接触压力。CSP®坩埚炉的另一个突出特点是 SMS 动态炉控制 (DFC) Level-2 过程自动化系统。板坯可均匀加热到所需的目标温度,而不会浪费能源。

    [Translate to Chinese:] CSP 炉
  • [Translate to Chinese:] CSP®磨粉机

    [Translate to Chinese:] 实现完美的带材质量

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    为了达到较高的板带质量,CSP® 轧机采用了多种不同的技术。

    [Translate to Chinese:] CSP 磨机

    [Translate to Chinese:] 益处

    • [Translate to Chinese:] 先进的导向系统可将板坯或传送棒直线送入轧机。这减少了转向运动,提高了工艺稳定性和卷取质量。
    • 高度动态的厚度控制和先进的轧制温度控制。
    • CVC®plus 是基于轧辊磨削和轧辊移动的型材和平整度控制系统。该系统以其出色的带钢外形、轮廓和平整度效果而著称。
    • 最新的板带冷却技术,考虑到产品的微观结构,以达到所需的性能。
  • [Translate to Chinese:] 过程控制

    [Translate to Chinese:] 用于CSP®发电站的X-Pact®自动化系统

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    X-Pact® 电气和自动化系统确保生产率、生产灵活性和最终产品的质量符合客户要求,并确保从连铸机到轧机的一体化流程。应用的概念和设备为设备和工艺的数字化以及面向未来的扩展和应用奠定了坚实的基础。整个设备的诊断和可视化概念确保并维持有效的预防性维护活动。

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[Translate to Chinese:] CSP®Nexus - 两全其美
[Translate to Chinese:] JSW 决定采用CSP®Nexus


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