Alarm Manager is an intelligent alarm and maintenance management system that is employed to increase equipment availability, optimize maintenance activities, and provide expert knowledge to all employees. The software offers better monitoring of the vast number of alarms that are triggered in plants every day and can be tailored to suit individual requirements.

Customer challenges addressed
- Relevant alarms are overlooked due to their vast number and high frequency
- Inhomogeneous automation infrastructure results in many different HMIs
- Important machine insights remain unexplored
- Plant and maintenance knowledge is unevenly distributed among maintenance personnel
Key features
- Single source of truth for all alarms
- Increased system availability
- Reduced maintenance costs and time
- Focus on most relevant alarms and share know-how
- Analyze alarms and achieve deeper insights and improved maintenance measures
- Identify unusual plant conditions
Improved alarm control
Alarm Manager is a web-based application designed for various users, including operators, shift managers, maintenance engineers, and works managers.
Alarm Manager provides a more transparent overview and better control over the vast number of alarms triggered in plants every day. Thanks to intelligent prioritization, various analysis capabilities, and options for linking pointers to solutions and setting automated notifications, complicated and time-consuming fault analyses have been made more simple. Alarm Manager displays a clear overview of all the relevant alarms and provides details of the plant tree on a dashboard.
The appropriate persons can then be notified in good time via the automated text message and e-mail service. Each unit team can also create its own customized view. The long-term storage of historical alarm data allows identifying trends to point out potential shutdowns.
Easy installation
Using Alarm Manager as a Service
Implementation is quick and easy: Alarm Manager can usually be installed in less than 48 hours via a remote connection in the customer's plant. SMS digital also provides the necessary service infrastructure and uses Alarm Manager as a software as a service (SaaS) solution. This means that Alarm Manager is hosted centrally by SMS digital, and customers are automatically provided with software updates and enhancements.
Improved work efficiency
Focus on core tasks
Using Alarm Manager, the machine and maintenance personnel can focus more on their actual tasks, as the system is able to assign alarms specifically to the relevant expert. Experts are quickly and efficiently assisted in eliminating malfunctions by self-configurable solutions. Alarm Manager can also be used to build up a maintenance history to better forecast the probability of failure. The product operates as an additional system and never intervenes in the production process. Individual functions are user-dependent and can be freely configured for each user.