Corporate management
Jochen Burg
Chairman of the Managing Board and CEO

Fabíola Fernandez
Member of the Managing Board (CFO)

Dr.-Ing. Thomas Hansmann
Member of the Managing Board (CTO)

Michael Rzepczyk
Member of the Managing Board (COO)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Katja Windt
Member of the Managing Board (CDO)

Shareholders' committee / Supervisory board
Dr.-Ing. E. h. Heinrich Weiss
Chairman of the Shareholders‘ Committee

Edwin Eichler
Chairman of the Supervisory Boards
SMS group GmbH / SMS GmbH

Regional management
SMS group has a regional setup for sales and project execution to create new market opportunities and drive growth based on a lean setup. Our four regions Americas, Europe, China, India & Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa (APAC & MEA) team up with our worldwide CoEs (Center of Excellence) for products and for services as well as with the CoEs for implementation and supply chain to make projects a success.
Doug Dunworth
CEO of Region Americas
Coverage: North, Middle, South America

Peter Langner
CEO of Region China
Coverage: China

Hubertus Jakobi
CEO of Region Europe
Coverage: Europe, Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan

Marco Asquini
CEO of Region APAC & MEA
Coverage: India, Australia, Japan, Asia Pacific, Middle East, Africa